RIP to the countless panties I’ve lost in my lifetime to my period. Some were old, some were new, and some were so comfy that it physically pained me to part with them. And while they all had their differences, they all fell victim to the same culprit—my menstrual cycle. Now, while Aunt Flo has become a more predictable visitor over the years, the products I use have not. You hear horror stories about chemical-laden tampons, and environmentally unfriendly pads but in a market saturated with ... Read More
Wellness + Self Care
25 Sustainable Self Care Gift Ideas For Your Stressed Out Pals
Hi, friends! We've been working on a collection of gift guides for the holidays which we're SUPER excited about because it means we get to give a shout out to all of the sustainable brands we've seen over the year! We save so, so many independent designers on Instagram and even though we can't connect with every single one on a personal level, we're always looking for ways to share their work. Ever since my first sustainable living blog back in 2014 (and actually, way before that when I used to ... Read More
This Won’t Change After The Election
How are you feeling, friends? With less than a week out until election day, we wanted to check in. Here in Seattle, we've got our ballots in (and can track them!)... now we wait. I've been thinking about how BIG everything that is happening in the US right now (and around the world too) is, so many of us waiting on so many outcomes and decisions. But let's set that aside for the moment, and think of what will not change come election day, or the day after, or when the clock strikes midnight on ... Read More
Self Care Gift Ideas: 17 Mood Boosting COVID-19 Care Packages
Alright. We're over halfway through the year and what a place to be. I, and so many people I know, are truly feeling the effects of this COVID isolation has on mental health (whether introverts, extroverts, whatever), and feeling guilty for feeling sad when truly there's much to be grateful for. And around and around (any other HSPs out there?). I've been thinking of all of them, and all of us, and everyone, and how in a perfect world I'd send every lovely person all the care packages and ... Read More
10 Acts of Self Care That Don’t Require a Purchase
Self care is about doing those things that are good for you (and that you might even enjoy) but don't truly appreciate until after. If it was merely an instant gratification thing, we'd all be masters of self care. It's a shame, then, that so many self care tips suggest heading to the salon or laying on a face mask. Don't get me wrong, we love both of those things, but effective self care shouldn't require a purchase be made. Instead, it should help you increase mindfulness, adopt healthy ... Read More
15 Clean, Cruelty Free Nail Polish Brands
Fellow bloggers, can we talk about how roundup posts always seem so fun, so easy (you've got a million ideas for reccs swirling in your head before you approach the keyboard), and like a really cool way to share something new with readers? Five hours later... Ugh. Such a tedious task! Here, I was really on the hunt for a few lesser-known brands—sure, I want anyone who doesn't know about tenoverten and NCLA to discover their awesomeness—but there's nothing like coming across something you've ... Read More