You're undoubtedly inundated with Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Thanksgiving, blahblahblah sales (should we all just call it "sale month" at this point?), so I know when you see a gift guide these days you really want it to be something special. I feel the same way, which is why I spend probably way too long hunting down the perfect products to add to articles like this! (But if it influences *anyone* to shop small rather than mass-produced, it's worth it, I think.) Small Business Saturday is a ... Read More
Carbon Footprint 101
I feel like sometimes—in all the hullabaloo about living sustainably, going green, and just being more eco-friendly—we forget that not everyone automatically knows everything about green living. More often than not, articles on being green offer suggestions and tips assuming that the reader has a baseline understanding about what it all means. But what about the novice eco-warrior? How are they supposed to start their journey to being more mindful? Looking up essential terms like ... Read More
Sustainable Holiday Cards
I love stationery no matter the occasion and often send cards to friends throughout the year, but there's something special about sending a note during the holidays! And I'm definitely not one to buy a boxed set of 200 cards and send the same thing out to everyone I know (as if I know 200 people, haha). I love picking out a specific card for each person on my list... I'd say it's because my first job was Hallmark, but the obsession began long before age 16. Anyway, to me, greeting cards can be ... Read More
Cute Handmade Felt Ornaments
I love DIY. Around this time each year, you can find me crafting Christmas ornaments, festive garlands, or cute gift toppers to embellish my gift wrap. But by now I know my limits when it comes to crafting. There are some things I just don't have the skill (or patience to acquire the skill) for. And I learned long ago that working with felt was one of them, despite my love of it. So these cute handmade felt ornaments, all by different artists mostly on Etsy, are on the top of my list should I ... Read More
Artisan Home Decor for the Conscious Maximalist
It's been a minute since we shared a moodboard for the conscious maximalist, so in honor of cozy season we've got one featuring our favorite artisan home decor in natural and warm hues. Perfect for fall, but work just as lovely in any other season, so you know you'll keep it on display for a long time. Molly M Framed Wall Art | Pineapple Wall Basket | Sage Block Print Pillow | Terracotta Pillow | Ruffle Pillow | Sunrise Stripe Towel | Wicker Bench | Yellow Glazed Pot | Round Rattan Mirror ... Read More
Introducing wallflower, a Boutique for Curated Gifts, Decor & Objects That Inspire
Hello friends! We have a big announcement for you today! Introducing our very own shop, from the founders and editors of eco club and our design studio, wallflower. We launched this fall and have been since been hard at work on our holiday collection, so I haven't gotten around to making the *official* introduction here on the blog. So, it's long overdue, but today we're sharing photos from our first shoot, featuring so many of our favorite products. I'll explain a bit more about this new ... Read More