How are you feeling, friends? With less than a week out until election day, we wanted to check in. Here in Seattle, we’ve got our ballots in (and can track them!)… now we wait. I’ve been thinking about how BIG everything that is happening in the US right now (and around the world too) is, so many of us waiting on so many outcomes and decisions. But let’s set that aside for the moment, and think of what will not change come election day, or the day after, or when the clock strikes midnight on NYE and it is finally 2021.
a note to our community
You are making a difference. The last four years we have constantly been made to think that what we do does not make a difference. This is not true. People in power wouldn’t be working so hard to make it seem otherwise, if what we were doing did not make a difference.
You matter. Regardless of who is in office, you matter. You have always mattered and you will continue to matter. Your feelings are valid. Your fears and concerns, valid.
When I first really started on my sustainable and ethical living journey–I say really because when I look back I see that I’ve always done it to the best of my knowledge, I’ve only learned more, and gained more resources, and therefore updated my habits as I did–I’d often think about how silly it was that I was doing these things so minuscule in comparison to what actually needs to happen on a global scale. In regard to the environment, conscious consumerism, etc. Eventually I realized that doesn’t even matter. What matters is that I live in alignment with what I know to be true or right, in tandem with my deepest self. To ignore that would be to ignore who I am.
We have work to do. I think my biggest lesson over the last four years is that the work is never done, and that the cliche “life is a journey” is a really freaking loaded one. I turned 30 this year. It’s taken me until now to even begin to understand that nothing in life is “done”–whether we think we’ve failed or succeeded. Whether it’s our health and wellness, healing, fighting for what we feel is right, the work is never done… and that’s okay. What would we be doing here, if not things we thought mattered?!
We must remain hopeful. Back in 2016 (I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s resurfacing again), a lot of articles and talks on the importance of hope made their rounds. Studies have even shown that hope fights depression, can improve overall health, and in times of crisis or tragedy, hope actually keeps people going. This is because hope is motivation.
“Hope is a motivation to persevere toward a goal or end state, even if we’re skeptical that a positive outcome is likely.”
This article (quoted above) sums it up well. Thinking of everyone I admire (hi, RBG!), I can’t imagine them not having hope. Who would work their entire life toward a better future that they won’t even be here to see, if not for hope?
There is so much we can’t control. But these are our truths, and we have hope. We also hope you will take time for a little extra self care over the next month. Please share how you’re doing with us on Instagram! Sending lots of love and positivity!
xx Angela + eco club